16 Nov 2016

Agenda: CPC Meeting 21st November 2016



Monday 21st November 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Councillors are summoned to attend.


Parishioners Question Time

15 minutes will be set aside to receive representations from members of the public.

1.    Apologies for Absence

2.    Approval of Minutes – Monday 17th October 2016

3.    Approval of Extraordinary Minutes – Wednesday 2nd November 2016

4.    Declarations of Interest, in accordance with Sections 30(3) and 235(2) of the Localism Act 2011 Councillors to declare any personal, prejudicial or pecuniary interests pertaining to the Agenda.

5.    Matters Arising from previous Minutes

6.    Planning:

·         Planning process at Committee Meetings, Cllr ME

·         16/03855/APP – The Old Chapel, Winchendon Rd, Chearsley HP18 0DW

Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension and erection of front porch.

7.    Correspondence, any outside Agenda items including correspondence from Fenella Tillier and from Nic Brown to John Bercow MP opposing possible capping of local councils precept increases (at 2% maximum) or a referendum if above.

8.    Contributions from AVDC and BCC Cllrs

9.    PC Governance, to receive a proposal from Clerks for a new PC website (to comply with Transparency Code).

10.  Village Projects

·         Kerbing and Verges, Cllr JW

·         Speed in village, Cllr JH,

·         Trees in Village, Clerk

·         Village Green Footpath, all

·         Grass Cutting, Cllr PAB

·         War Memorial, to consider applying for a grant for the care and preservation of the war memorial

11.  Christmas Tree, Cllr JW

12.  Finance

a.    Orders for Payment

·         Society of Local Council Clerks - £82.00 (membership)

·         Parish Mowing - £1,250.00 (11 cuts 23.03.16 to 25.10.16 £1100.00 and Parish footpath mowing 19.05.16 and 27.09.16 £150.00)

·         BALC (Bucks Association of Local Councils) - £23.50 (copies of Good Councillors Guide 2016)

·         BALC - £33.83 (membership)

·         BALC - £31.85 (Councillor Induction Training)

·         Nic Brown - £156.42 (£130.35 + £26.07 VAT) (Impact Signs)

·         Mazars - £60.00 (Audit fee)

b.    Audit, Notice of conclusion of the audit and right to inspect the Annual Return for year ended 31st March 2016 received

c.    Precept, to note Parish Tax Base figure for 2017/18 as £286.92 and precept request submission date as Friday 20th January 2017.

13.  BCC workshop Community Infrastructure Levy and Section 106 Agreements, to agree Chearsley’s current infrastructure priorities, Cllr JH.

14.  Report from Councillors attending meetings and outside organisations including

·         TfB Autumn/Winter conference (01.11.16) including HGV Working Traffic Group, Cllr JH

·         Future of Local Government and Vale of Aylesbury Plan Update Meeting (14.11.16), Cllr ME

15. Parishioners Question Time – 15 minutes will be set aside to receive representations from members of the public.

16. Items for Information

·         Representatives of Bucks County Council to note attendance at Cuddington Parish Council meeting (12/12/16) to discuss proposals for streamlining/modernising local government in Buckinghamshire – CANCELLED.

·         Town and Parish Clerks Workshop – 12/12/16 12:00 to 13:30, Aylesbury Waterside Theatre, Clerk to attend.

·         Working Together for Buckinghamshire Town and Parish Council Conference - 12/12/16 14:30 to 19:00, Aylesbury Waterside Theatre, Cllr to confirm attendance.

·         3rd HGV Traffic Watch, 25th November  2016 - 8am-4pm

17. Date and Time of Next Meeting in Chearlsey Village Hall

·         Monday 12th December at 7.30pm – Budget Meeting

·         Monday 19th December at 7.30pm – Parish Council Meeting

The Minutes and Agenda of the Parish Council can also be viewed at chearsley.blogspot.co.uk

Helen Spurgeon
