15 Mar 2017

Agenda: CPC meeting 20th March 2017



Monday 20th March 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Councillors are summoned to attend.


Declarations of Interest, in accordance with Sections 30(3) and 235(2) of the Localism Act 2011 Councillors to declare any personal, prejudicial or pecuniary interests pertaining to the Agenda.

Parishioners Question Time, 15 minutes will be set aside to receive representations from members of the public.

1.     Apologies for Absence

2.     Approval of Minutes – Monday 20th February 2017

3.     Matters Arising from previous Minutes

4.     Parish Council vacancy – to co-opt Parish Councillor

5.     Planning

·         17/00686/APP – The Old Chapel, Winchendon Rd, Chearsley HP18 0DW

Amendment to planning refusal ref. 16/03855/APP: Part single, part two storey side and rear extension, new roof to existing rear extension and erection of front porch.

Case Officer: Mr Amit Patel.  Comment Date: 5th April 2017

6.     Correspondence, any outside Agenda items including correspondence regarding The Boot and village kerb damage.

7.     Contributions from AVDC and BCC Cllrs

8.     Finance

·         Orders for Payment

·         Precept – to note that the first half of the precept will be paid in the last week of April, with the second half in the last week of September.

9.     Reports from Councillors attending meetings and outside organisations

10.   Village projects

·         Kerbing, to gain approval to proceed with work in Dark Lane, Cllr JL

·         TfB Feasibility Study, Cllr JH to provide update

·         Defibrillator, to decide whether to continue to pursue a grant or self fund, all

·         Quotation for new railings, litter bins & bollards, Cllr JL

·         Pruning of horse chestnut tree, to decide whether to proceed, Cllr JL

11.   Annual Village Meeting (AVM), 24th April, to discuss format of meeting and promotion of AVM.

12.   PC Governance

·         To amend, approve and adopt Code of Conduct and Standing Orders, having read prior to meeting

·         To approve the Parish Council’s equalities policy

·         To discuss Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment

13.   Parishioners Question Time – 15 minutes will be set aside to receive representations from members of the public.

14.   Items for Information

·         HS2 Update – 30/03/17 2pm, Quainton Village Hall, JH to attend.

·         Elections to Buckinghamshire County Council on Thursday 4 May 2017.

15. Date and Time of Next Meeting in Chearsley Village Hall

·         Monday 24th April at 7.30pm

The Minutes and Agenda of the Parish Council can also be viewed at chearsley.blogspot.co.uk

Helen Spurgeon (Clerk)