Haddenham & Long Crendon Local
Community Area Forum.
Thursday 15th June
2017. Oakley Village Hall.
Notes from Chearlsey
PC representatives John Howard & John Lewis
The meeting was attended by some 20 people representing PCs
around the area. It was chaired by Clive
Harriss, County Councillor for Bernwood.
Points arising:
Haddenham PC will take delivery of new
LAF-funded Speed Sentinel equipment in July, which will be available for use by
PCs in the LAF area. LAF will shortly issue a ‘protocol’ for its use. Details
of a special Working Group and training programmes will be circulated. PCs will
need to identify speeding ‘hot spots’ and take out the necessary insurance to
cover any damage to the equipment during use.
Repairs to Aylesbury Road leading out of
Chearsley have now been scheduled for the future but it is unlikely that they
will take place in the current year. Clive Harris will provide Chearsley PC
with more specific information. Bucks CC will liaise with Thames Water about
the necessary long-term repairs to the drainage system
Two burst mains have been repaired/patched up
within the village by Thames Water in recent weeks.
The Bucks CC Super-sucker is back in operation
and the gullies on the Aylesbury Road leading out of Chearsley will be treated
within the next fortnight.
The Bucks CC department responsible for major
road repairs (‘Streetworks’) is obliged to give PCs 12 weeks’ notice of
scheduled works involving traffic controls. The PC to advise Bucks CC of the
current contacts for this information.
There is no similar requirement for emergency
works, such as the recent drain repairs undertaken by Thames Water.
A sum of £5.2k has been ring-fenced within LAF 2017/8
funding to support new traffic calming measures undertaken in the village. This
sum will have to be match-funded by the PC. The PC will have to forward a
specific proposal when the recommendations from the Feasibility Study are
received – hopefully in the next fortnight
AVDC will shortly be voting on introduction of
‘micro grants’ (£5k - £20k)as part of the New Homes Bonus Fund scheme. Available to PCs for smaller projects
AVDC will be visiting Fetes etc. around the
District during the Summer. (Do we want
to invite them to ours next week?)
Publication of the VALP (Vale of Aylesbury Plan)
is imminent
We requested that for future meetings, Nic
Brown, John Lewis & John Howard be added to the list of committee members.
We advised that any 2 from the 3 will attend.