AT 7.30 P.M.
PRESENT:Councillors Edmonds, Mrs Dormer, Miss Gibson, Hytten, District Councillor Edmonds, 15 members of the public, Parish Clerk
CHAIRMAN’S WELCOMEAPOLOGIES:District Councillor Smith, Cllr Mrs Towell, Mrs Timberlake, Mrs Scholefield, Mr J Danish.
MINUTES OF PARISH MEETING OF APRIL 18th 2007These were approved as a true record.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORTThe Chairman advised the meeting that, with great sadness he had heard that Lizzie Carte had died. Messages of sympathy can be sent to Eric’s email at Chearsley.com, and the Parish Council would send a formal message of condolence.
The Chairman thanked those present for attending. He reported that it had been a quiet year for the Parish Council.
Meetings are held monthly, on the first Monday of the month with the exception of August. Each meeting begins with a public session.
Village issues are discussed, and the Parish Council had monitored planning applications over the year, none of which had been contentious. Precept had increased over previous year. Footpaths and greens are maintained. The Parish Council organises a litter pick twice a year and the Chairman thanks the volunteers who had helped. The police had been in the village several times to monitor speeding at the request of the Parish Council.
Other Matters would be covered further on in the Agenda.
DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTCouncillor Edmonds explained that he and Cllr Smith shared responsibility for 6 villages. It had been an interesting year in the District Council.
Cllr Edmonds reported on the following:
The District Council is run using a cabinet structure, not committees, so that not all decisions have to be endorsed by full council.
The new Theatre is being built, and is due to be finished by then end of 2009, and the Waterside development is progressing – this is residential and commercial and is being paid for by the developers (Debenhams).
The District Council receives 60- 80 planning applications per week, some of which go to the Development Control committee depending on size and impact
Council housing stock was being transferred to the housing association. And houses are being refitted.
There is a plan to implement collections of green waste on a fortnightly basis for composting at an open site near Buckingham.
Public transport is still an issue and the Council are still fighting to improve matters.
Planning matters are usually resolved to most people’s satisfaction.
Speed monitoring officers are out on the roads with speed guns.
COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORTCounty Councillor Michael Edmonds advised the meeting that there had been a budget increase of 4.5% which was less than any other country in the UK.
The educational record in the county is good. There has been a 7% increase in the cost of road maintenance, but County have put £ 3.5 million into upgrading roads.
Cllr Edmonds explained the Pathfinder Initiative for efficiency improvement between the 4 districts and the County – to rationalise services for example having one centralised legal department not five.
Waste disposal costs have gone up, and new sites are being looked at.
The problem of waste disposal is being looked at. At present all refuse goes to the Calvert landfill site. The Council is looking into incinerators and additional recycling. NAG – police liaison groups which are cluster meetings with council, planning department, highways and police.
POLICE REPORTThe Chairman welcomed the Police Community Support Officers, Sue Jones and Caroline Day. They explained that they carried out beat officer patrols, neighbourhood policing, discussion of issues and liaison with councils. NAG was set up to discuss policing issues with residents and Parish Councils.
FINANCIAL REPORT(Not attached)The cricket club have agreed to continue maintaining the Millennium Recreation Ground.
VILLAGE SHOPCllr Brown reported that since December 06 when the shop closed there have been meetings and discussions. He then introduced Janine who took possession of the shop today. It is hoped that the shop will open in June after the necessary alterations have been carried out.
The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Brown for all his hard work.
STOCKWELL PROJECTFred Perry has been in touch with Biodiversity Officer at AVDC regarding the crested newts. Volunteers are needed
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCHThe ringmaster network is still in operation. There are eight representatives
There was a walk in burglary last week.
CONDITION OF LANESParking on verges is a problem. This has been pursued with PCSO. Cllr Brown agreed that he would focus on parking issues now the matter of the shop was resolved
SPEEDING MEASURESThe police have been in the village several times with speed guns.
VILLAGE CAR SERVICEThe Village Car Service reported 53 requests for transport from 10 members of the community. Volunteers are always welcome. The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to Jock Scholefield.
VILLAGE HALL REPORTThe hall is booked almost every night and is in continual use by the playgroup. A fund raising quiz night was planned. Accounts were published at the Village Hall AGM
ANY OTHER BUSINESSVillage newsletter
Village welcome pack
Meeting closed at 9.20.